How To apply For A Nurse Job

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5

Step 1

Step 2

Emergency Contact

Right to work

Are you legally eligible to work in the UK?

Are you required to have a UK work visa / permit?

Professional registration (if applicable)

Have you ever been investigated, removed, or suspended by a professional body?

Step 3

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

Have you ever been convicted, cautioned, reprimanded, or given a final warning for a criminal offence?

Are you waiting to hear about any prosecutions pending?

Have you ever been the subject of a disciplinary investigation or proceedings by a previous employer in any position you have held?

Are you aware of any police enquiries undertaken following allegations made against you, which may have a bearing on your suitability?


I consent to 3rd party audit checks?

I consent for Bridgelightplus to apply for a DBS, for DBS update service checks and retention of a copy of my DBS certificate

I consent for my personal data to be supplied to your preferred umbrella company (if applicable)

I consent to approach references

I consent to Right to Work checks

I consent to Professional Regulatory Body checks

I consent for Bridgelightplus to provide copies of my CV, DBS and references to any prospective employer for the purposes of securing work

I will only accept roles relevant to my skills and experience. I will express interest in roles where I believe my skills are transferable but understand that this decision will lie with the client as to whether I am eligible for appointment.

Step 4


References 1

References 2

References 3

Step 5


Please supply copies of certificates

Max. size: 2.0 GB


Please supply copies of certificates

Max. size: 2.0 GB

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Current/ most recent first. Information must cover the whole of your working life to date. State the reasons for any breaks in employment. Use a separate attached sheet if required; please sign that sheet(s).


Max. size: 2.0 GB



The WTR place a limit on the average number of hours per week that can be worked. If you are prepared to work more than the stipulated average hours per week (48 hrs) and therefore opt out of the WTR agreement, please select 'YES' below.*


I accept the terms outlined in the Privacy Policy.

In order to provide you with recruitment, payroll and related services we need to acquire and retain certain information about you as an individual. We will keep this information securely, only using it for the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy, and in full compliance with the prevailing data protection legislation. Where necessary, in order for us to complete our service to you – such as ensuring you’re paid for the work you do – we will securely pass your personal information to approved third party service providers, such as payroll agencies. We only work with other businesses that are GDPR compliant, so you can rest assured your personal information is safe and secure. You must agree to our Privacy Policy in order for us to work with you.

I agree to receive selected marketing communications from Bridgelightplus.

From time to time, we’d like to contact you to let you know more about the services we offer, share our latest career-related blog articles or news, or let you know about exclusive offers and promotions. We’d like to do this via email, post, SMS, phone and other electronic means. We’ll always treat your personal information with the utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for marketing purposes. We will not SPAM you or bombard you with marketing communications. You can always opt out of receiving these marketing communications at any point in the future, as all our emails include an unsubscribe link

Decleration By submitting this form, I hereby confirm that the information given is as complete as possible, true and correct and states that I am entitled to work through an agency in the UK. I agree that I will comply with all compliance procedures and ensure that all my documentation is present and correct. I understand that appointment to any position is conditional on satisfactory registration and qualification checks, and that any information disclosed on this registration form will be checked. Any offer of appointment may be withdrawn if you knowingly withhold information, or provide false or misleading information, and that registration may be terminated should any subsequent information come to light once you have been appointed.
